One great advantage to living in England is that spring arrives so much earlier than it did in Chicago. As early as the first week of February, snowdrops were popping up everywhere! They were followed by profusions of crocuses a couple of weeks later, and then a few weeks ago masses of daffodils took their place. The trees have buds and flowers, the grass is thicker and greener than it was in winter, and the musical sound of blackbirds fills the air in the late afternoon. It’s quite a treat to have such a long, beautiful spring.
In tribute to this lovely time of year, I just finished illustrating this quote from a Shelley poem, The Sensitive Plant. I love how this quote captures the idea of nature waking up from a long winter’s sleep and filling the world with beauty in spring. I’m planning to send this out as a little self-promo emailer soon, and will make it available as a print in my Etsy shop.
I hope wherever you are spring has come already or will soon!