Hooray for Llamas!


I just added this llama print to my Etsy shop! It’s the latest in my series of animals with fun phrases. I knew I wanted to draw a llama, because they’re funny looking and fluffy and who doesn’t love a llama? I sketched out this prancing guy one day, and I just had to make him into a print. For a while I struggled with what wording to put with him. Yo Llama? Llama Llove? I even had some very interesting suggestions from friends over happy hour one day. Finally, I settled on a simple, celebratory “Hooray!” and I think it fits this llama’s attitude pretty well. I hope this llama brightens up your Friday! (Can I say “llama” one more time? Llama! There, I did it.)

The Public Media Platform


I just finished working on a really fun and unique project for a new entity called the Public Media Platform. The PMP is a collaborative digital content-sharing system that was just started and that will allow all the different public media outlets (so, PBS, NPR, Public Radio International, etc) to share content for the web and mobile apps. It’s a great advancement that will mean better access to all the awesome stories, videos, audio files and text that these public media folks produce.

Since I’m a huge PBS and NPR fan, it was really exciting to be asked to work on an illustration that promotes the PMP and explains what it does, all in one colorful visual! I worked with the very smart and talented Kristin Calhoun, who is the executive director of the PMP, and together we figured out the best way to say what the PMP does, in picture form. The end result is above. It was fun imagining a sort of “PMP machine,” gathering and bringing together all the different content, going through the PMP and delivering it to the consuming public! A big thanks to Kristin for the opportunity and for being so great to work with!

Irish Yearning for Connecticut Magazine


In honor of St. Patrick’s day I thought I’d share this illustration which I recently created for the March issue of Connecticut Magazine. It’s a full-page opener for a story called Irish Yearning by David Monagan. The story is a personal essay about the journey of irish immigrants in Connecticut, from his own ancestors arriving during the great potato famine in the 19th Century, to how they assimilated and did well for themselves in the 20th Century, and finally how he moved to Ireland with his family in the early 2000’s. The concept that was chosen shows the back-and-forth nature of the migrations between countries, with details from the story populating each continent. It was a fun story to illustrate, and I particularly enjoyed drawing the 19th century Irishman leaping from his homeland into America. Thanks so much to AD Stacey Shea for choosing me for this job and help it to go so smoothly!

Nickeled and Dimed to Death!


Earlier this year, I was fortunate enough to work on the cover of the second book in Denise Swanson’s Devereaux’s Dime Store mystery series, called Nickeled-and-Dimed to Death. The book, published by Signet, is now available on Amazon.com and in book stores! It was a fun project to work on, particularly the contrast of the mysterious bullet hole in the shop window with all of the easter decorations in the shop. I based the front of this shop on the facade of an old hardware store in my neighborhood, to get that authentic vintage feel. Thanks to AD Mimi Bark who was a delight to work with!

New Print: Good Day for a Ride


I just posted this new illustration as a print for sale on Etsy! Who doesn’t love a turquoise vintage bike, and why not have a lion riding it? And every lion out for a fun bike ride needs his dog along for the ride in a basket up front. Drawing this made me think about my own beloved vintage Schwinn (which I “stole” from my mom — thanks, Mom!) and how lovely it is to ride it around the neighborhood when the weather is nice. I certainly couldn’t ride it now, with four inches of snow on the ground, but I look forward to when I can take it for a spin again soon!

Interview with Chantal Loves Vintage


Today you can check out an interview I did with Chantal of Chantal Loves Vintage! Chantal lives in Sherbourne, England and keeps a great blog about vintage finds, Etsy artisans and other fun stuff. We met via Etsy, and she has her own Etsy shop full of colorful vintage goods. Doing this interview was really fun, and as a part of it we’re doing a drawing where one lucky winner will receive my You’re So Foxy print for free! So hurry on over to Chantal’s blog and check it out!

Unique as a Narwhal


I just added this narwhal to my Etsy offerings! The Foxy fox print sold really well the last few months (THANKS to everyone who bought one!) so I decided to add a few more prints featuring unique animals and encouraging words. This narwhal is the first, since I know a lot of folks out there are big fans of narwhals, and why not? Their unicorn horns and their cute chubby bodies make them the perfect thing to collect, admire and giggle at. I’ll be working on more fun animals soon!


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