Tagged: Book illustrations

Dying for a Cupcake: book cover for Penguin

Dying for a Cupcake

  It’s that time again — time for the latest installment in Denise Swanson’s Devereaux’s Dime Store mystery series to be published by Penguin, featuring a cover illustrated by yours truly! The title this...

Dead Between the Lines: book cover for Penguin

Dead Between the Lines

  It’s time to share with you the third installment of Denise Swanson’s Devereaux’s Dime Store mystery novel covers: Dead Between the Lines! As always it was a pleasure to work on this book...

Nickeled and Dimed to Death mystery cover illustrated by Anni Betts

Nickeled and Dimed to Death!

  Earlier this year, I was fortunate enough to work on the cover of the second book in Denise Swanson’s Devereaux’s Dime Store mystery series, called Nickeled-and-Dimed to Death. The book, published by Signet, is...