New Alpha Animals: J, K and L
The latest three additions to my alphabet animal series are now available in my Etsy shop! We have J for Jaguar with a Jump Rope, K for Koala with a Kite, and L for Llama with Lollipops:

I thought I’d be able to post these a couple of months ago, but then Lockdown 3.0 happened and the time crunch of schools being closed put a pause on anything not being done for paying clients! But the kids are back at school (for now!) and I was able to finish these up, and hope to do more soon. And speaking of kites, having recently flown a kite again for the first time in about 35 years, I have to recommend giving it a go! There’s just something fun about finally getting your kite to fly high enough that it stays up for a good long while.
Thanks as always for reading!