Levi the Lamb’s Big Day tells the story of a little lamb named Levi, who has heard he is going to help save the planet, but he’s not sure how. He visits all of his young barnyard friends, from Chelsea the Chick to Doris the Donkey, and asks if any of them know how he’s going to help the planet. Each animal has a guess that’s more fanciful than the last, including zip lining through the Amazon to plant trees, blasting into space to clean up the universe, and even harvesting fresh sunlight on the surface of the sun. In the end, Levi learns he and the other sheep are going to be the “natural mowers” in a solar field, eating grass to their hearts’ content, and he couldn’t be more excited!
This book was inspired by the collaboration between the LG&E and KU Energy and Shaker Village, both located in the Louisville area in Kentucky. LG&E KU teamed up with Shaker Village to use their herd of heritage sheep to keep the grass from growing out of control at the new solar field, and it was such a good story, they had to tell it in children’s book form! The book also includes tips for kids on how they can help out the planet.